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Operating Your Immune System At Peak Efficiency

With cooler fall temperatures and kids back in the classroom, it’s time to think about operating your immune system at peak efficiency. This can be as easy as fine-tuning your diet, reducing stress, and making sure you get enough sleep. It can also include correctly using supplements to help you through the cold and flu season faster and with far fewer symptoms. Evergreen is here to help.

Eliminate Sugar

One simple way to give your diet a tune-up is to reduce or eliminate sugars from your diet. Most processed sweets contribute no real nutritional value and actually drag down your immune system, as well as your energy.

Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is where we repair and rest our organs and tissues. It is natural to get around eight solid hours of deep sleep while the sun is down. When we are well rested we are more resistant to viruses and germs that can make us sick. If you are having difficulty sleeping soundly through the night, you might want to check out our natural sleep section.


Stress is also incredibly hard on your immune system. Stress causes your thymus gland to shrink, and the thymus gland is very important in immune system protection against infections. This fall, make a point to take time out for yourself. Decrease your daily stress with regular light exercise. Working meditation and prayer into your routine can reduce stress as well.

Part of strengthening your body’s immunity is keeping germs and bacteria out. If your stomach doesn’t produce sufficient hydrochloric acid, they can pass through without being destroyed. Paying extra attention to clean hands and fingernails can help block them as well.

Homeopathy & Herbal Support

I also rely on homeopathic and botanical vitamin supplements to keep me healthy throughout the cold and flu season. Oscillococcinum (“oscillo” for short) taken once a week is very effective against flu, especially if increased at the onset of symptoms. As an added defense,Vita Biotic or Wellness Formula at 2-3 pills every 2-3 waking hours usually beats any bug within 24 hours. I’ll also get to bed a couple hours early for extra rest to aid my immune system.

If you do experience cold or flu symptoms, I recommend Propolis Echinacea Throat Spray for quick relief of sore throat. Air Power works well to clear coughs and respiratory congestion. And Xclear (pronounced “clear”) clears nasal passages while washing away harmful bacteria.

Don’t just take my suggestions. Each of our knowledgeable Evergreen staff has useful ideas to help you and your loved ones boost your immune systems. Call us at 541-485-5100 today and avoid getting the cold or flu this season!

From Evergreen’s Archive: September 2005