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Nutrition For Heart Health

Fat is bad for heart health. Fat is good for heart health. Vitamin E is good for heart health. Vitamin E is bad for heart health. It is difficult at times to keep up with the rapidly changing information and facts regarding which vitamins, minerals and herbs are beneficial to cardiovascular health. It is comforting then, to know there are a few nutrients with such a long history of safe use or absolutely unimpeachable facts that no one may cast doubt upon their heart benefits. Two of the unassailable superstars of heart health are the mineral magnesium and the vitamin-like substance Coenzyme Q10.

Mighty Magnesium

Not only is this mineral necessary for more than 300 biochemical processes in the body, but to be blunt, magnesium deficiency causes cardiovascular damage and cardiac arrhythmia. Arrhythmia may lead to heart attack. It has been found that individuals who die suddenly of heart attack have far lower levels of magnesium than control groups. Magnesium helps to dilate arteries and lessen the burden of the heart to pump blood, thereby preventing arrythmias, and also helping to reduce high blood pressure. One study showed that out of 61 men studied, those who consumed the most magnesium-rich diet had consistently lower blood pressure. Magnesium may also prevent calcification of blood vessels, establish healthy cholesterol ratios and inhibit platelet aggregation (stickiness of blood cells). This mineral may also improve energy production within the heart as well as decrease the heart damage high stress inflicts.

Supplementation of magnesium is highly advised, as soils may be depleted as well as drinking water. Alcohol, stress, (fear, anxiety), crowding, and even heavy exercise with its increases in adrenalin flow all decrease magnesium levels in the body. An estimated 60% of menopausal women are magnesium-deficient. Advisable daily dosages are from 350-500 mg. Powders are quite popular right now, and there are liquids, tablets and capsules as well.

The Energy Coenzyme

Coenzyme Q10 has been clinically studied worldwide for decades with relation to cardiovascular function and health. This fat-soluble quinone is an essential component of mitochondrial membranes and plays a direct role in energy production in the cell. Since the heart never rests from its workload, this organ requires a huge amount of energy/fuel/support. The highest levels of CoQ10 in the body are found in the heart muscle for this reason, and it has been shown that deficiencies of this nutrient are common in cardiac patients. Myocardial (heart muscle) biopsies in patients with various cardiac diseases showed deficiency in 50-75% of cases. There have been more than 100 clinical studies at major universities and hospitals documenting the cardiovascular benefits of CoQ10. It essentially improves the heart’s ability to pump more effectively. It has demonstrated ability to improve congestive heart failure, cardiomyopathy and angina and to reduce high blood pressure. Research shows it offsets the toxic side-effects of statin drugs used for cholesterol control, since these drugs inhibit CoQ10 synthesis in the body and thus potentially damage the heart. Part of this nutrient’s effect also comes from its function as a powerful antioxidant, and there are many applications for conditions other than cardiovascular protection. Supplementation is remarkably safe and dosages vary from 30 mg to 200 mg or more depending upon condition. It is advisable to find a product which is in a softgel containing an oil base as this is a fat-soluble nutrient and absorption will be enhanced.