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Greek Mountain Tea

Greek Mountain Tea

Greek Mountain Tea plant

Evergreen Nutrition strives to carry the finest nutritional supplement companies available to retail stores. From time to time one of our partnered companies will launch a new product which  warrants our attention. One company we have tremendous respect for is Europharma/Terry Naturally. Founder Terry Lemerond has decades of experience at the helm of some of the most popular and respected companies in our industry. One area in which Terry shines is research. He has been responsible for introducing dozens of unique products to the retail market. Have you ever heard of glucosamine sulfate? The reason you have is due to Terry, who introduced it to the US market in 1992. Recently Mr. Lemerond and Terry Naturally have released a new, previously unavailable product to shelves and we are excited to tell you about it.


Greek Mountain Tea

Greek mountain tea (Sideritis scardica) is native to the Mediterranean (Greece and Albania). In that part of the world it has been traditionally consumed as a beverage to increase mental and physical endurance. As its name implies, it grows at altitude, in harsh conditions, and this environment contributes to its novel protective/antioxidant compounds. Research has shown this botanical to provide numerous health benefits ranging from brain support including protection from Alzheimer’s and depression, to liver detoxification, to immune support.


Brain Support

Greek Mountain Tea

One placebo-controlled, double-blind study tested Greek mountain tea (GMT) against Ginkgo biloba to assess its benefits for cognition. Results showed that the GMT provided significant and stronger benefits than the Ginkgo extract. There were better accuracy and higher scores for processing visual information while under pressure, less anxiety, and improved circulation in the part of the brain involved in learning and working memory. GMT also appears to inhibit the reuptake of key neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine, and noradrenalin. This has potential for treating symptoms of depression and attention-deficit conditions. One of the most exciting bits of research shows that certain compounds in the plant can decrease amyloid beta formation, one of the major characteristics in Alzheimer’s disease. A study from 2016 confirmed highly enhanced cognitive function in elderly lab animals, implying that GMT “might be a potent, well-tolerated option for treating symptoms of cognitive impairment in the elderly.” GMT also improves blood flow to the brain significantly more than Ginkgo, which may be a reason for its effectiveness on cognition, stress, and alertness.


Antioxidant/Anti-Inflammatory Benefits

Greek Mountain Tea with Bacopa

GMT contains powerful polyphenol compounds including novel antioxidants which are partly responsible for its properties. While not deemed a classic adaptogen, GMT seems to promote physical stamina without caffeine or jitters. In its native Greece, it has been traditionally consumed by shepherds in the mountains to support resilience, stamina, and alertness in harsh conditions. It has been used to combat respiratory illnesses and winter colds and flu. Modern research has shown enhanced immune function, anti-inflammatory properties benefitting joint pain, increased bone density, and improved digestive health. Chemical analyses have shown the plant to be a wealth of well-known antioxidants/nutrients including apigenin, quercetin, and caffeic acid. Its antioxidant score is higher than blueberries, a benchmark for that rating. It is a rich source of iron, among other minerals, and has been used to treat anemia, further supporting energy levels.



Terry has taken another time-honored herb and combined it with GMT for an additional product offering even more brain support. Bacopa monnieri is indigenous to India where it has been used for centuries to strengthen the brain. It is one of the classic herbs in the Indian herbal pharmacopeia and is often used interchangeably with Gotu kola. Bacopa is thought to balance the right and left hemispheres of the brain. In modern times it is routinely given to children with ADD/ADHD rather than pharmaceuticals, with great results and no side-effects. It has shown to improve focus and behavior in children and adolescents with attention deficit conditions. As well, students preparing for exams will use the herb to increase their concentration and memory. Combined with Greek mountain tea, a product is created with unparalleled cognitive benefits. In individuals with mild cognitive impairment (a precursor stage to Alzheimer’s), a combination of the two botanicals was shown to increase beta wave activity in the brain, which is associated with memory and focus. Aside from its brain benefits, bacopa’s rich antioxidant compounds have been shown to help control blood sugar and protect against some of the side effects of type 2 diabetes. In addition, Indian studies have shown it to be an effective reliever of chronic pain.

What We Have For You

Evergreen carries both versions of this exciting product, located in our antioxidant and brain sections. These products are vegan, gluten free and non-GMO.