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Evergreen Customers’ Favorites: Remedies for the Cold & Flu Season

Last month our newsletter told you about Evergreen Staff Picks for immune support (see Archives). This month we asked you, our customers, for your favorites.

Evergreen employees and customers agree that regularly taking PROBIOTICS, FISH OIL and a good MULTIVITAMIN are important to keep the immune system strong. Get plenty of rest, especially during illness, and drink lots of water. “It is most necessary and it goes with everything!” says Kristin.

OSCILLOCOCCINUM, Boiron’s homeopathic flu fighter, was the most often named flu buster. Here are some of your comments: “After I take it, my symptoms go away or lessen,” says Natasha. Nicole says it is “easy to take and it works!” From Veena comes this comment, “Very effective in reducing flu-like symptoms at the start of it all! It’s natural, has no side effects. Wonderful!” We agree.

Some other remedies that came up on both lists are GOLDENSEAL which Alia thinks is an amazing herb about which she says “I always have success with it,” and WELLNESS FORMULA from Source Naturals because, she says, “I feel the effect quickly and it contains many essential ingredients for immune support.” Eva also likes Wellness Formula: one a day is “a great preventive.” Another popular immune-supporting herb is ECHINACEA which, according to Rhonda, “really clears up bacteria,” and Natural Sources’ liquid NATURAL ELDERBERRY CONCENTRATE which keeps viruses from replicating but Rhonda has a new use for it. She says “this works as a cough syrup and Rachel says it tastes great.”

Several of you chose VITAMIN C as a favorite during cold and flu season and Alacer’s EMERGEN-C is very popular because, as Roger says, “It’s easy to use, lots of flavors to choose from.”

Judith uses VIRASTOP from Enzymedica to “reverse the virus quickly. Within hours I start to feel better if I take two or three pills three times daily.”

Here are some customer favorites that did not make it onto the Evergreen employee short list, but are nevertheless excellent remedies: Umcka COLD CARE (especially the chewables), COLLOIDAL SILVER, TEA TREE ESSENTIAL OIL (try adding some to liquid hand soap) and BEE PROPOLIS. Customers also like ZINC LOZENGES to speed recovery. Zinc is essential for optimal immune function and it inhibits replication of cold, flu and cold sore viruses.

Janette uses MacroLife Naturals’ MACRO GREENS to improve her mood and stamina. These alkalizing greens contain immune boosting probiotics. She also likes their MIRACLE REDS because they have “a wide spectrum of immune support with probiotics, medicinal herbs and enzymes.” Try it, it’s easy and tastes really good!

Another favorite from Boiron is COLD CALM. It’s the other side of the cold/flu coin: Oscillo is for flu, Cold Calm is for, well, colds. “It helps relieve my colds, stuffy nose, itchy throat, etc.,” says Melanie.

Nicole says Chinese formulas like JADE SCREEN “work like dynamite!” Evergreen’s Karen, a licensed acupuncturist and Chinese herbal practitioner, adds that Jade Screen can be used preventively to strengthen the immune system between recurrent upper respiratory illness such as cold and flu. It may be taken for several weeks to several months. Please note: Jade Screen should not be taken when sick — it is for prevention only — and it should not be taken by those with hypertension. By the way, it is also helpful for allergic dermatitis. See the September newsletter for more about Chinese cold and flu remedies.

From Evergreen’s Archive: October 2009