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Evergreen Allergy Remedies

Spring is here and summer will soon follow bringing long days of sunshine, warm weather and amazing natural beauty as an abundance of flowers and trees awaken from winter slumber. But if you suffer from hay fever it can diminish your enjoyment of the season. Here are a few tips from Evergreen Nutrition that can help you enjoy the natural beauty around us.


Homeopathy is based on the Law of Similars which means if something can make you sick, it can also cure you. For example, homeopathic onion will treat a profuse clear discharge from the eyes and nose. These remedies help bring our bodies into balance (homeostasis) without unpleasant side effects. They are very safe and effective and generally do not interfere with other medications. For an extensive list of Boiron’s recommendations for treating allergy-caused symptoms see our website or visit Boiron

Evergreen’s NORTHWEST MIX is a popular homeopathic blend prepared from common allergy-causing plants growing in this area with the added benefit of adrenal and liver support plus histamine (see Law of Similars, above). Since this is Evergreen’s house brand, members always get an additional 15% off. Also, until the end of April, all BIOALLERS homeopathic remedies are on sale for 20% off our always discounted (10%) regular price. This line includes a general formula for Outdoor Allergies as well as specific products for Grass Pollen, Tree Pollen, Mold Yeast & Dust and Animal Hair & Dander.


NETTLE LEAF (Urtica dioica) is rich in minerals and chlorophyll and has long been used to treat bronchitis and asthma. This time of year, take freeze-dried nettle leaves for their antihistamine action. We have excellent local products from Eclectic Institute and Oregons Wild Harvest; both have farms in Sandy, Oregon.

The bioflavonoid QUERCETIN, like nettles, has an antihistamine effect and is also useful for treating asthma. It works synergistically with BROMELAIN, an antiinflammatory enzyme that breaks down foreign proteins like allergy-causing antigens, and VITAMIN C which inhibits the release of histamine. An easy way to take them together is Solaray’s QBC formula.

There are also some less-well-known, but very effective, allergy allies. VITAMIN E helps by lowering IgE levels, PYCNOGENOL strengthens cell membranes thereby reducing histamine release from mast cells and THYMUS EXTRACT normalizes immune reaction.

You do not have to suffer through spring and summer. We have a wide variety of products to alleviate your allergy symptoms so you can step outdoors and enjoy this beautiful world.


  • Fish Oil / EPA
  • MSM
  • Olive Leaf
  • Rosemary Oil
  • Tea Tree Oil
  • Vitamin B5

From Evergreen’s Archives: April 2014