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Drug-Induced Nutrient Depletions, Part II

In Part I of this newsletter we described the risks associated with the nutrient depletion side effects of some commonly-prescribed drugs. We will further explore some of these nutrient depletions in this second part.

Mineral Depletions

The list of mineral-depleting drugs is very long, and again, as mentioned in Part I of this newsletter, it is a very good idea to supplement with a quality multi-vitamin/mineral if one is taking pharmaceutical drugs on a long-term basis or is on a cocktail of drugs such as: antiretrovirals, antihypertensives, anti-inflammatories, bronchodilators, statins, corticosteroids, antacids, antibiotics, diuretics, laxatives, oral contraceptives, and drugs for gout and thyroid.

Vitamin D Depletions

Cholesterol-lowering drugs, corticosteroids, gout drugs such as colchicine, laxatives, antacids, antidepessants such as SSRIs.

Glutathione & Liver Support

Glutathione is the body’s master antioxidant and detoxifier. Glutathione helps your liver do its job. Everything that you eat or drink or smoke or take gets processed by your liver, filtering out toxins with the help of glutathione. Hundreds of medications go through your liver and it is glutathione’s job to help break them down for use and then clear them from the body. If liver function is compromised by diet, lifestyle, or simply an excess of medications at once, toxins cannot be metabolized and excreted. In sensitive individuals this can become dangerous and even fatal. A proper level of glutathione in the body will prevent the liver shutting down due to overload of toxins. A short list of glutathione-depleting drugs follows, but it is important to remember that nearly every pharmaceutical drug out there passes through the liver and needs to be processed and excreted using glutathione.

  • Acid Blockers
  • Analgesics
  • Antacids
  • Antibiotics
  • Antidepressants
  • Antivirals
  • Also Alcohol & Nicotine

NAC for Glutathione

Glutathione is best formed from its precursors. There are glutathione supplements available, but they are generally difficult to absorb as this compound is broken down into its respective amino acids before it can be used. The best precursor nutrient to increase this powerful detoxifier is the amino acid N-acetylcysteine, or NAC for short. NAC is widely available in pill form and is not expensive when compared with actual glutathione supplements. This compound is so effective at liver protection that it is routinely used in hospitals to save the lives of acetaminophen-poisoning victims.  A powerful antioxidant, it is nonetheless mild enough to be taken every day as general antioxidant support, while protecting the liver and helping lung function. It is a good idea if supplementing with this compound to take additional vitamin C, as NAC may increase formation of kidney stones. The vitamin C will help minimize kidney stone formation.

Beneficial Bacteria Banishers

In Part I of this newsletter, we began with a discussion of how antibiotics destroy friendly bacteria. We will close with more information on friendly bacteria, and the importance of replenishment after certain diet, lifestyle, and medication factors have destroyed gut flora. Beneficial probiotic bacteria not only assist with digestion and absorption of food, they are essential to immune health and create some vitamins in the gut. In addition to antibiotic drugs destroying the good as well as the bad bacteria, virtually all prescription medicines deplete the body’s beneficial bacteria! Here is a short list of those drugs:

  • Acid Blockers
  • Antacids
  • Antibiotics
  • Antivirals
  • Hormone Replacement Therapy/Oral Contraceptives
  • Sulfonamides

We will close with our reiterated recommendation that anyone taking a prescription drug be on a supplement regimen containing a good probiotic and a good multi vitamin/mineral.